Interior Sanctuary

B'nei Mitzvah

A child passes through the sacred portal to adulthood, a personal and intimate tradition we celebrate as a B'nei Mitzvah. Through this cherished moment we reaffirm our ancient traditions and culture with yet another promise to live a life of kindness, civility, and making the world a better place. 

Here at Wilshire Boulevard Temple, it starts with Brawerman Elementary School and our Religious School preparing children for B'nei Mitzvah. The process accelerates in Grades 6 and 7 through meetings with our clergy, culminating in a beautiful Shabbat morning ceremony at either our historic Glazer Campus, Irmas Campus, or Resnick Family Campus.

Visit the Religious School
B'nei Mitzvah Website

If you have any questions about our B'nei Mitzvah programs, please contact Jen Kaufman at


Lessons Learned from Pandemic B'nei Mitzvah

Rabbi Joel Nickerson was published in The Forward about his experience with pandemic B'nei Mitzvah as both a Rabbi and last month, as a Dad. Mazel Tov to the entire Nickerson family! Read the full article here.

Zoom Mitzvah

Learn about what it's like to have a B'nei Mitzvah during quarantine with Mateo and his family.