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October 7, 2023
“Eight decades ago the world stood by while Nazis brought 6 million Jews to the ovens. Today, our enemies plan to bring the ovens to 7 million Jews on the tip of a missile.
We often think of life as a series of good and bad choices followed by good and bad outcomes. But for the Jewish people life sometimes offers us not good or bad choices, but bad and worse choices. Golda Meir put it this way, ‘If we have to have a choice between being dead and pitied, and being alive with a bad image, we’d rather be alive and have the bad image.’ Sure, her point and mine lack nuance. Israel’s choices are not always so binary, but often, they are.
Israelis are our brothers and sisters; our Jewish future, our very bodies and souls are inexorably bound together. Modern Israel is the most vibrant renaissance of Jewish life, learning, culture and aspiration ever. It is impossible to overstate what Israel means to Jews and to Judaism and what we mean to Israel. Full stop.” (Rabbi Steve Leder, Erev Rosh Hashanah sermon)
I said this from the bimah three weeks ago. I could have said it 50 years ago at the start of the Yom Kippur War as Israel’s neighbors launched an unprovoked attack that constituted an existential threat to Israel’s existence, and I could have said it a few hours ago. Hamas, backed by Qatar and Iran, has launched a war of mass slaughter, kidnapping and terror against innocent Israelis. This madness is also causing the death and suffering of Palestinians in Gaza who Hamas claims to care about most of all. They do not. They care about killing Jews. They are your enemy, my enemy, the enemy of the Palestinian people, and the enemy of peace. Their hatred is the oldest of stories.
Now is not the time for analysis or blame from within. Our enemies have chosen murder. It is time for our Jewish family to join hands and hearts with resolve. Reach out to your friends and family in Israel. Send money to help Israeli victims of trauma by clicking on the links below. Stand up for Israel with colleagues, family and friends. Speak out on social media. Come to Temple next Shabbat to say a misheberach for the suffering and to pray for peace. Above all, let the end result of those who wish us dead be an unshakable resolve to secure the future of Israel and the Jewish people.
Rabbi Steve Leder
We have identified these organizations responding directly to the crisis for your financial contributions. In addition, we encourage you to reach out to our Israeli Temple members and employees to offer them emotional support and to reach out to our clergy who are always available to offer you comfort and guidance.
The Jewish Agency for Israel
The Jewish Agency for Israel through its Fund for Victims of Terror together with partners around the world – is mobilized to help the victims through emergency aid grants and immediate assistance to those whose homes were directly hit or injured and evacuated to the hospitals as well as to the families of the deceased. https://www.jafina.org/crisis-in-israel/
American Friends of Magen David Adom
Magen David Adom's 33,000 paramedics, EMTS, first responders, and first-aid providers -- volunteers and staff -- have the training, equipment, and medical supplies they need to treat all injured and ill people in Israel. https://afmda.org/
American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center
Shaare Zedek Medical Center is the leading institution for emergency preparedness for mass casualty events and treats more than 75% of terror attack victims in Israel. They help everyone in need regardless of cultural and religious background. https://acsz.org/general-donation/
The Jewish Federation of North America
The Jewish Federation of North America is directing funds during this crisis to the Jewish Agency for Israel's Fund for Victims of Terror. https://jfeds.org/israelfund2023